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Different kinds of nurseries and their preparation


Updated: Aug 31, 2020

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The different kinds of nurseries are :

1. Wet nursery 2. Dapog or Mat Nursery 3. Dry nursery

Wet Nursery

The Nursery area is generally 20 cents (800 m2) of land area near to water source for transplanting one hectare in conventional method.Required nursery area for SRI is 100 m2 / ha (or) 2.5 cent / ha (or) 1cent / acre.

Nursery bed preparation

The area should have an assured water supply and an efficient drainage system.

It should be dry ploughed twice and apply 1tonne of FYM or compost to 20cents nursery.

Later, it should be irrigated and allowed to be wet for another two days.

Afterwards it should be puddled twice and the puddling may be repeated after a gap of one week.

Basal application of DAP 40kg is recommended when the seedlings are to be pulled out in 20-25 days after sowing in less fertile nursery soils, and if not readily available, apply straight fertilizers 16kg of urea and 120kg of super phosphate.

After levelling and final puddling, beds of convenient length (8-10 m) with width of 2.5 m are to be made, leaving 30 - 50 cm channels in between two beds.

Sow the sprouted seeds uniformly on the seedbed.

Dapog / Mat Nursery

In Mat nursery seedlings are established in a layer of soil mix, arranged on a firm surface (Concrete floor/ polythene sheet/ seedling trays). Seedlings are ready for planting within 14-20 days after seeding (DAS).

Nursery area is generally 100 m2 / ha (or) 2.5 cent / ha – 1cent / acre

Nursery bed preparation

Select a level area near the water source with efficient drainage system. The surface should be covered with banana leaves with the mid-rib removed or polyethylene sheets or any flexible material or cemented floors to prevent seedling roots from penetrating to the bottom soil layer.

a. Preparation of soil mixture

Four (4) m3 of soil mix is needed for each 100 m2 of nursery. Mix 70% soil + 20% well-decomposed pressmud / bio-gas slurry / FYM + 10% rice hull. Incorporate 1.5kg of powdered di-ammonium phosphate or 2kg 17-17-17 NPK fertilizer with the soil mixture.

b. Filling the soil mixture

Place a wooden frame of 0.5 m long, 1 m wide and 4 cm deep divided into 4 equal segments on the plastic sheet or banana leaves, fill the frame almost to the top with the soil mixture.

c. Pre-germinating the seeds

Soak the seeds for 24 hrs, drain and incubate the soaked seeds for 24 hrs, sow when the seeds sprout and radicle (seed root) grows to 2-3 mm long and cover them with dry soil to a thickness of 5mm.

Dry Nursery

Nursery area

Area : 20cents

This type of nursery is handy in times of delayed receipt of canal water or areas where sufficient water is not available.

Nursery bed preparation

The field is dry ploughed 5-6 times to acquire the fine tilth.

Nursery area with sand and loamy soil status is more suitable for this type of nursery.

Plots of 1 to 1.5 m bed width and channels may be formed. Length may be according to the slope and soil.

After preparing the beds they are to be wetted and 1 tonne of FYM, 2.5 kg of P2O5 and 2 kg of potash need to be applied.

Sowing may be dry seeding. Seeds may be covered with sand and finely powdered farm yard manure.



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